A lot's happened in my life over the last year, and because of that everything in my life is changing. If I were to look ahead at my life exactly one year ago I would be shocked. I am now trying to figure out what I expect to be normal going forward. As much as I hate to say it, my life is evolving into a "new normal" which is a buzz word in my industry right now that I absolutely can't stand. But it's the truth and I have to come to accept it.
So with that in mind, and the fact that I've never been good at blogging regularly to begin with, please forgive the sporadic posts. Life has been marching on here in the Kingdom. My evil cat Loki is blossoming into quite the loving and mature adult cat, now if I could just get her to stop scratching at door frames. My yearling corn snake is now about 2 1/2 feet long, maybe longer as it's rather hard to measure something that's squirming around, we usually just eyeball it. Cricket is becoming old and crotchety, Gidgit still likes to try and herd the cats, Isley eats regularly again, but Bruce has become a finicky eater, and Sancho is slooooowly warming up to us (I still won't take him out of his enclosure without Sean home). So life marches on.
I've been doing a lot over the last few weeks:
I demonstrated spinning at the Marion county fair. |
I made some progress on my knee-highs. |
I knit a pair of anklets. Arch-shaped socks, 7/11-7/17, Wollmeise in Spice Market colorway. |
I worked on my KAL socks. The KAL is over and I'm only on the heel flap, oh well. |
I went to Sock Summit with a great group of gals. |
Where I helped my friend Stephania set up her booth. |
And watched a giant group of people perform a flash mob about knitting. |
I knit another pair of anklets. Arch-shaped socks, 7/17-8/10, Cascade Fixation. |
And I started a Hitchhicker scarf/shawl, which I am absolutely in love with. |
So it's not exactly like I've been sitting idle around here :-) I also taught one of my friends how to knit. She finished her first project, a hat, last night and is already working on her first pair of socks! My plan to convert the world to knitting reptile lovers is slowly working, mwahahaha!
And of course, the mandatory cute and fuzzy picture for the post:
Loki has got to be the strangest cat I've ever had. |
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